OKK Foundation Inc.
OKK Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. ACHIEVEMENT WEEK Awards Banquet 2024
OKK Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. ACHIEVEMENT WEEK Veterans Day Luncheon
OKK Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. ACHIEVEMENT WEEK 2024 ESSAY COMPETITION
OKK Foundation, Inc., in partnership with the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, Invites Middle School and High School Students (girls & boys) to:
See the Video from the OKK Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. “JAZZ ON THE VINE” Event..
Join OKK Foundation and Fairfax County Omega Psi Phi Chapter at their Inaugural “Jazz on the Vine” Fairfax edition August 31,2024
We are celebrating with live music, great food and fellowship with friends old and new at Fleetwood Winery!
Whether you're a lover of jazz or simply looking for a date night, or to unwind in the company of friends and neighbors, this event promises to be a delightful fusion of music, community, and culinary delights. By attending Jazz on the Vine, you're not only treating yourself to an unforgettable night out, but 100% of proceeds are going towards the underprivileged youth in the Loudoun / Fairfax area.
The OKK Chapter of The Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity Inc. Presents : Jazz on the Vine | Aug 31,2024
What is Omega STEM
The OKK Chapter of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. is honored to engage in STEM initiatives that are designed to get students excited about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). We have given our program the unique brand name of Omega STEM and we aspire to inspire young minds of all ages, even college students to pursue technical careers. A STEM career focus will help students assemble the skills that are needed to prepare for jobs in coding, robotics, electronics, technology, energy, and engineering.
And, because Omega Psi Phi has a global reach, this unique brand of STEM has the potential to be an impact to kids all over the world. This website gives you a brief overview of some of our past and future programs. We thank you for visiting the site and encourage you to support the success of OmegaSTEM.
Watch OKK STEM Discussions

About the Foundation
The OKK Foundation is a nonprofit corporation that is organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Foundation was established in 2002 and is recognized by the internal Revenue Service and the State of Virginia as a public nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization that accepts tax deductible contributions and serves as the charitable arm of Omicron Kappa Kappa (OKK) Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
The Foundation operates exclusively for charitable and educational purposes: to fund educational scholarships for minority students; to assist & promote the general welfare of local community groups. The Foundation and Omicron Kappa Kappa (OKK) Chapter are excited and committed to help improve the lives of our neighbors in western Fairfax County and eastern Loudoun County. In partnership with OKK Chapter, we host leadership seminars and career seminars for middle school students in Fairfax County. We enthusiastically support the idea of reaching our youth at an early pre-high school age in consultation & cooperation with their parents.
Enhance the lives of those in the local community by supporting youth achievement via college scholarship awards, career mentoring of young men, and providing community outreach via smart partnering with community resources & supporters.
Our Vision is that the SUM of our nonprofit efforts will result in signifcant opportunities for: all deserving underprivileged students to meet their goals of a college education beyond high school; empowering young males to reach their God-given potential; and the local community will thrive aided by the Foundation’s outreach via community & social programs.
Charitable Programs Supported
• OKK College Scholarship Program
Scholarships to underprivileged, high achieving college-bound students
• OKK Youth Academy Program
Sustained mentoring to enrich the lives of young males and empower their intellectual & character
• Annual Essay Program
Reward essay writing prowess among students
• Talent Hunt Program
Recognize & reward community youth in the performing arts
• Community Support
Participate in food drives, Relay for Life cancer initiatives, annual Diabetes Walk-a-thons, annual blood and food drives,
Chamber of Commerce events
The OKK Chapter of The Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. is honored to engage in STEM initiatives that are designed to get students excited about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
• Charitable Fundraising Events
Raise funds to financially support the above initiatives in partnership with Omicron Kappa Kappa Chapter (OKK)
NOTE: It is through the generosity of our supporters, like you, that we have
committed to award multiple scholarships annually to deserving minority college-bound high school graduates. The amount and number of scholarship awards will depend on the financial support that the Foundation receives from local businesses, their employees and the general public.
• Business Partnership Program
Partner with local business entities to enhance the lives and training of local youth and the community.
NOTE: It is through a partnership arrangement with Microsoft that OKK Foundation has been able to initiate free,
periodic workshop sessions for area youngsters ranging from 3rd graders to high school teenagers. These workshop
sessions provide a fun learning environment for the youth and adds to their skill levels.
Contact Information
Phone: (800) 876-6614
Email Address: Info@OKKFoundation.org
Website Address: www.OKKFoundation.org
OKK Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 2252
Reston, VA 20195
Foundation Tax Id Number: 01-0628736
Foundation Board Members
Gary C. Powell, Ed. D President
Lorenzo Gibbs. . Vice President
Clayton Washington Treasurer
Zachary Canady Secretary
Dewayne Corbet Director
Sanford Crenshaw Director
Shaun Marzett Director
Earl Smith, Jr. Director
Anti’one Manson Director
Linwood Stokes Director
Robert G. Drummer, Esq. General Counsel